What are 3 main objectives of using exit tickets?

Thomas Courtley, ex teacher and LessonUp education specialist

Thomas Courtley

Education Specialist

Exit tickets plenaries provide an excellent opportunity to assess your students' comprehension, fostering their ability to reflect and become more mindful learners. Through three (or more) seemingly simple open questions, you can emphasise the importance of reflection.

Feel free to modify or customise the wording of the questions as you find appropriate. We suggest to include all questions as part of a plenary at the end of your lessons. This approach can also be effectively used as an end-of-unit assignment or a summary of the week's lessons.


1. I have learnt…

The concept is straightforward. If students struggle to come up with three things they have learnt, encourage them to explore the connection to a previous lesson or term. Alternatively, you can prompt them to respond to a simple exam question instead. Additionally, consider allowing photo responses, enabling students to capture and submit digital photos of their completed work and homework. This establishes a beneficial routine for maintaining a centralised bank of learners' work.


2. Am I missing something?

In this activity, students have the opportunity to select two topics of personal interest that they would like to delve deeper into, or choose the more challenging aspects from the lesson. This could involve focussing on specific keywords, question types, concepts, or interesting connections. It could even be as straightforward as rephrasing something you mentioned during your instructional time. The goal is to nurture your students' ownership and curiosity during their learning journey. 


3. I don’t understand… 

Occasionally, learners don't understand something you have taught them. Yet sometimes this question may not elicit a direct response related to the current topic you have just covered. In such cases, encourage students to reflect on previous topics and identify areas where they require additional support. By prompting them to consider their past learning experiences, you enable them to pinpoint specific areas of concern that may still require attention. This approach allows students to seek assistance where they truly need it.

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