5 benefits of fostering a reflective practice

5 min.
Thomas Courtley, ex teacher and LessonUp education specialist

Thomas Courtley

Education Specialist

Cover image blog 5 benefits of fostering a reflective practice

Metacognition is related to reflection and self-awareness. For students it is the process of thinking about one's learning. For teachers, on the other hand, it is the process of thinking about their teaching and its effect on their students. It comprises everything that takes place when teachers plan, monitor, evaluate, and make changes to their teaching methods.

What do metacognition & reflective practice mean for you? 

Reflection is a continuous reviewing process which allows you to make links from one teaching experience to the next, to make sure your students get the most out of it. 

Reflecting is an integral aspect of both teaching and learning. It intends to enhance your consciousness of your own professional expertise and actions by questioning your presumptions. The process of reflection stimulates collaborative work with others, allowing you to share best practices and rely on support from your colleagues. Ultimately, reflection ensures that every student learns more effectively, as the learning experience is customised to their needs.

The process of reflection is a cycle which needs to be continuously repeated. It works as follows:

  1. Teach
  2. Self-assess the effect your teaching has had on learning
  3. Consider new ways of teaching which can improve the quality of learning
  4. Try these ideas in practice
  5. Repeat the process

The 5 benefits of becoming a reflective teacher


1. You become a more confident teacher

Expand your teaching skills and discover new ways to transfer knowledge. It will enhance your confidence level in the classroom. The reflective process helps improve self-awareness, and identify effective ways for you to teach and assess your students. It fosters problem-solving skills by encouraging you to question and modify your teaching approach, leading you to become a more flexible person.

Reflective practice can also help cultivate confident students. Implement new techniques in the classroom to challenge your students, and push them to explore new ways of learning.

How can LessonUp help you become a more confident teacher?

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New ways to transfer knowledge to students

Embedded videos, textual or audio hotspots explaining details of an image related to your subject.

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Identify ways to assess your students

Open-ended questions, video questions, select students with the spinner, quizzes, or drag & drop.

Implementing new learning techniques

LessonUp offers more than 40 ready-made lessons with interactive and engaging learning techniques.


2. You are always aware of your teaching and your students

Reflect on your teaching practice and enhance your understanding of how your students learn. It enables you to take responsibility for their progress. By evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your teaching approach, you can gain insight into what facilitates or hinders their learning.

Encourage your students to share their thoughts and feelings about their learning to actively involve them in the learning process. This enables them to take responsibility and collaborate with you by providing feedback, and developing their self-awareness. As students actively engage in the learning process, they gain insight into various learning styles.

How can LessonUp help you become more aware of your students?

  • Understanding of how students learn: check student reports in LessonUp to see how your students are learning, and create polls about their preferences.

  • Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your approach: ask students safe, digital open-ended questions about what works for them, and what doesn’t.

  • Encourage your students to share their thoughts about their learning: implement specific learning techniques with interactive features to help students share their thoughts and feelings (mind maps, questioning, spinners, and more).

3. You encourage innovation in teaching

Engaging in reflective practices enables you to tailor lessons to meet the specific needs of your students. It allows you to generate and test new ideas, methods and strategies to achieve optimal interaction and results during your lessons.

Through experimenting with various teaching approaches and adjusting your teaching style and the learning environment, students benefit from a more diverse and enriched experience. By thinking creatively, imaginatively, and resourcefully, you help them in becoming better equipped to adapt to new ways of engaging, thinking and learning.

How can LessonUp help you encourage innovation in teaching?

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Tailor lessons to meet the specific needs of your students

In LessonUp you can easily differentiate your lesson by selecting a specific colour code per slide. Students work with different colours.

Adjust your teaching style and learning environment

Try out different ways of teaching with LessonUp’s numerous interactive features, in a digital learning environment.

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Encourage better equipped students

If students communicate with you in an interactive digital environment, as well as in person, they are better equipped for the world we live in.


4. You stimulate student engagement

Embracing a reflective practice makes you aware of different perspectives and viewpoints, including those of your students and colleagues. Considering their points of view helps you discover new strategies and best practices for teaching.

Gain a deeper understanding of your students' strengths and preferences, and then make sure you tailor the learning experience to meet their unique needs. This personalised approach stimulates their curiosity and encourages students to explore topics more in depth, resulting in a more meaningful and effective learning experience.

How can LessonUp help you stimulate student engagement?

  • Be aware of different perspectives and viewpoints: ask your students for feedback in a safe digital environment. It’s easier for them to be honest with you. 

  • A deeper understanding of your students' strengths and preferences: you know your students, but LessonUp can support you with polls, quizzes, mind maps, open-ended questions, photo questions, and more and more and more. 

  • Explore topics more in depth: start your lessons with a mind map to activate prior knowledge, assess as you go, and end with an exit ticket plenary (open-ended questions).

5. You make sure everybody benefits from your teaching

Reflective practice and metacognition is not only about you, and improving your performance in the class. It is also about students and other teachers: about maximising their pleasure, interaction and engagement while teaching and learning.

Engaging in reflective practice fosters a collaborative working environment where all teachers are aware of their own methods, as well as those of students and colleagues. This promotes a clear understanding of everyones' ways and objectives. If you collaborate more often with students and colleagues, you cultivate positive relationships founded on mutual respect. Students feel included in the learning process and more self-aware, while colleagues share their expertise.

How can LessonUp help you make sure that everybody benefits?

LessonUp logo

Pleasure, interaction and engagement while teaching and learning

Every single feature in LessonUp stands for pleasure, interaction, and engagement.

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Collaborative working environment to the benefit of everybody

With a school subscription, you can create lessons with your colleagues, and organise them in a shared portfolio.

Colleagues can share their expertise and offer each other support

Create shared interdisciplinary lessons, and easily fall in for each other when needed.

Interested in 10 proven learning techniques to improve your students' reflective practice?